Slow is not a bad word

Slow is not a bad word.

Today, most of us are surrounded by deadlines and productivity requirements. Our culture challenges us to be fast, and though we gain many things in the process, we lose the essence of many others. We tend to forget that every person, event, process or object has its own inherent time and pace.

Slowup is a secret members only club that found its niche in the contemporary investment banking community. The club sees slowness as a tactical approach in the pursuit of a top position. However, Slowup is not for everyone. Only those individuals who are carefully chosen and approached from within the club can become members. No information about the club will be disclosed unless upon thoughtful review or through a code known only to members. The primary activity of the club is to advocate slowness as the new alternative way of thinking and practice at work and outside of work. Slowup believes that a slower relationship with your work will enable a heightened sense of self and success.

Slowup clock

This project examines slowness and investigates ways of encouraging slowness in the workplace. The final brand solution, Slowup, is for individuals in pursuit of top executive and management positions. By adopting the philosophies of slowness - connection, focus, health and relaxation - one moves upward or forward, not downward as the action ‘slow down’ implies. The focus of Slowup is to make the best performers better by challenging the cult of speed. The brand uses secrecy and exclusiveness as two key components responding to the psychology of bankers.

Brand Strategist
Creative Director

Printed and digital reminders in the form of calendars are sent to members of Slowup every month, inviting them to practice slowness. Each month’s calendar is visually different with some carrying a code providing Slowup’s meeting place or time. Members will gain access to this information only by deciphering the code.